10 | Action-noise-assisted quantum control
A. Levy, E. Torrontegui, R. Kosloff | Physical Review A 96 (3), 033417(2017)
11 | Noise resistant quantum control using dynamical invariants
A. Levy, A. Kiely, J.G. Muga, R. Kosloff E. Torrontegui | New Journal of Physics 20 (2), 025006 (2018)
12 | Quantum Features and Signatures of Quantum Thermal Machines
A. Levy, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky | Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 87-126 (2018)
13 | Time-dependent Markovian quantum master equation
R. Dann, A. Levy, R. Kosloff | Physical Review A 98 (5), 052129 (2019)
14 | Absence of Coulomb Blockade in the Anderson Impurity Model at the Symmetric Point
A. Levy, L. Kidon, J. Batge, J. Okamoto, M. Thoss, D.T. Limmer, E. Rabani | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, (22), 13538-13544 (2019)
15 | A complete quasiclassical map for the dynamics of interacting fermions
A. Levy, W. Dou, E. Rabani, D.T. Limmer | The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (23), 234112 (2019)